thrust, propulsion, propellant combustion - burning oxidizer , fuel

Things to learn
  • back pressure
  • understanding different pressure metrics (bar, atm, pascals) and tank pressures, chamber pressure
  • Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition - Space port america cup
  •  Experimental Sounding Rocket Association (ESRA)
  • how does a hand pump work
  • what are turbines and how do they work , same concept of dynamo
  • autogenous pressurisation
  • how does throttling work in a liquid rocket engine (raptor and merlin), throttlability
  • specific heat capacity in thermodynamics (cooling and heating) (current temperature) to (the required change in temperature)
  • flame quenching ,
  • stability margin of the rocket
  • injectors, pintle injector
  • mixing of fuel and oxidizer properly for the combustion and thrust

wifi credentials: shaastra002 , Chennai@36*

potassium nitrate - - oxidizer for the solid propellants

bipropellant - fuel and oxidizer monopropellant - decombustion, a single chemical substance that acts both as a fuel and oxidizer

  • - monopropellant liquid
  • - solid mono-propellant

tccc - Thrust chamber cooling channel (around the engine bell)

why do gases and liquids flow - difference in potential energy for liquids and different in pressure for gases

- equation for flow

to stop the flow, you have a mechanical obstruction that can hold the pressure, or you equalize the pressure

equillibrium is a macroscopic phenomenon, dynamic equllibrium is a microscopic phenomenon

to avoid back flow of propellant we make use of check valve

back flow leads to RUD

liquid prop equation (?? unsure - re verify)

700kN - commercial rocket engines thrust 5 bars to 250 bars 15 Kg per second

Solid rocket motors

  • grain design - star (higher suface area), changes to a circle later on, which reduces the overall thrust sent
  • disadvantages - solid motors have a problem of blow holes (the propellant is not smooth when casting - air traps)
  • solid rocket propellant is completely dependent on the chamber pressure

aluminium 6061 - outer casing for the solid rocket motor of abhyuday

Liquid rockets

  • for thrust vectoring, due to this the chambers of liquid rocket engines should be least heavy

- for hybrid rockets combustion efficiency - the entire fuel that’s injecting into the chamber is not combusting

why do we need a pre combustion chamber in hybrid rocket motors

parabin fuel - intermediate droplet when the wax melts, entrainment droplets. residence time- the average time in which the combustion is present in the chamber in liquids - the minimum nozzle size comes from the residense time, and a few other parameters a port for pressure transducer isentropic style of combustion - theoritical and not in experimental - happens in the nozzle pressure loss decreases the efficiency

F = mass flow rate * velocity ,

non-dimensional numbers, the ratios between the l / d - 1.53 ratio - 90 mm / 40 mm length / diameter of the ratio of the post combustion chamber

insulation material between the outer casing and the combustion chamber - HYLAM the black carbon is formed by the HYLAM material


NASA-CEA analysis gives us the Isp and C* NASA-SP125

500 N of thrust is required

here is the efficiency term

500 = 0.2717391304

stoichometry ratios O/F ratio - oxidizer flow rate / fuel flow rate

2.4 ratio for O/F for maximum thrust for parabin

regression rate - the change in radial length per unit time

Gox range = > mass flow rate of oxygen / Ap (fuel port area )

the combustion was chuffing - combustion instability problem

45 Kg / m2 G0x 800 kg / m2 parafinic for Gox

density = 900 kg / m2

diameter = 17.4mm

2.7 seconds

choke flow equation m dot = Pc * A p / C*