Voyager NameLaunch DateMaximum Speed (AU/year)Initial Delta-V (m/s)AU/Year SpeedMass (kg)PayloadsScientific Instruments
Voyager 11977-09-0533.641753.53721.93Golden Record, scientific instruments including Imaging Science System, Ultraviolet Spectrometer, Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer, Planetary Radio Astronomy Experiment, Photopolarimeter, Triaxial Fluxgate Magnetometer, Plasma Spectrometer, Low-Energy Charged Particles Experiment, Plasma Waves Experiment, Cosmic Ray Telescope, Radio Science System.3Imaging Science System (ISS), Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS), Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer (IRIS), Planetary Radio Astronomy Experiment (PRA), Photopolarimeter (PPS), Triaxial Fluxgate Magnetometer (MAG), Plasma Spectrometer (PLS), Low-Energy Charged Particles Experiment (LECP), Plasma Waves Experiment (PWS), Cosmic Ray Telescope (CRS), Radio Science System (RSS).3
Voyager 21977-08-2063.371083.37721.99Scientific instruments for studying the outer planets including cameras, spectrometers, and other equipment.10Magnetometer, Ultraviolet Spectrometer, Cosmic Ray Instrument, Plasma Science Experiment, and others.10
  • Voyager 1’s speed of 38,026.79 mph equals 3.583581 AU/year[1], which confirms the approximate value in our data
  • Voyager 2’s speed of 35,000 mph equals 3.298 AU/year1 , which matches our data

