190/1200 KM orbit - second stage will drop off here

jump to 1400km altitude - last went on Apollo missions

avionics don’t like radiation

190/700 km - spacewalk - EVA suits

communicative over starlink - beam of light - laser communication - not primary means of communication 40 science and research experiments val allen radiation belt

vitenam - medicine availablility and communication via internet - starlink -

south atlantic anamoloy at 1200 km

novel - pre breath protocol first 45 hours of the flight, slowly reduce the cabin pressure change in pressure sickness

spacesuit - 100% oxygen for a fixed duration before depressurising dragon

![question] why does nitrogen cause more pressure problem, is that the reason for choosing 100% oxygen


32% oxygen at 8 psi by the end of the mission

adding nitrogen repressisation in dragon for repressization

making sure every component inside dragon is rated for operation in vacuum mobility aids inside the spacecraft when wearing the suits

emu - 4.5 a7 l - <4 psi

spacesuit pressure - close to 5 psi

extra dcs protection by having high suit pressure

dexterity, mobility of the spacesuit at 5 psi

copper coating - visor - ITO to retain heat - anti fog coating - impact resistance - only single layer visor - does not limit visibility (full range)

exntrance and exit using waist zipper - for eva suit

the spacesuit is soft when not pressurized and becomes pressuiresed become rigid

pyron felt on boots on spacesuit

MLI stacked up in spacesuit

redundant oxygen inlet for spacesuit and redundant

total EVA time 2 hours - jared and sara




Orbit and Mission Profile