600 Million BC - Sponge 580 Million BC - Jellyfish - first nerves 550 million BC - Flatworm - central authority in the nervous system 265 Million years - Frog - more actions controlled in the brain, breathing, heartbeat, etc.. 225 Million years - rodent (mammals) - development of limbic system 80 million years - tree mammal - an early version of neocortex 4 Million years - hominid - thinking using neocortex 100,000 years ago - first signs of language 50,000 years ago - full use of voice and complex language 10,000 bc - the first cities were formed 6,000 years ago - first sight of writings 700 years ago - the printing press by gutenburg The year 1940 - the first computer The year 1990 - computer networks - computer colossus