The age of spiritual machines A mind for numbers How to read a book The learning game Liftoff Deep work
- Foundation (Isaac Asimov) — 8 recs
- Dune (Frank Herbert) — 7 recs
- The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Robert Heinlein) — 5 recs • The Martian (Andy Weir) • Consider Phlebas (Iain M. Banks) • I, Robot (Isaac Asimov) • Accelerando (Charles Stross) • Childhood’s End (Arthur C. Clarke) • Jurassic Park (Michael Crichton) • Hyperion (Dan Simmons) • Red Mars (Kim Stanley Robinson) • A Fire Upon the Deep (Vernor Vinge) • Blindsight (Peter Watts) • The Mote in God’s Eye (Niven and Pournelle) • Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams)
Rocket Science
- Rocket Propulsion Elements –– George Paul Sutton and Oscar Biblarz (Recommended by Joe Barnard)
Structures The Martian Longitude The Wright Brothers The Elegant Universe Billions and Billions Inventing Accuracy Control System Design Control Theory Digital Signal Processing
Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents—and What They Mean for America’s Future
- Atomic habits –– James Clear
Divergent series Veronica Roth Foundation series Isaac Asimov Lessons in chemistry The almanac of naval Ravikanth The theory of everything
- The Sovereign Child: How a Forgotten Philosophy Can Liberate Kids and Their Parents — Aaron Stupple (Recommended by Naval)
Interpersonal Relationships
- Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom — William Glasser M.D (Recommended by Naval)