Audiophile: an exceptional breed of people who are fascinated by pure audio, motivated by sound quality and addicted to audio gadgets. Audiophiles take their passion for music one step further. They’re curious about how songs are recorded and the science behind how sounds are reproduced.

Audio is an analog signal by default, it can be stored digitally but needs to be converted to an analog signal to be made audible (perceived by ear 👂)

Audio codecs

  1. MP3
  2. FLAC
  3. ALAC

Sound Systems

Hi-Fi: High Fidelity - the high quality reproduction of a sound



  1. DAC: Digital-to-analog Converter

  2. Audio Preamplifier (Preamp): Amplify the digital …


A better headphones with a medium DAC is always better than the best DAC and a mediocre headphones


  1. how does a better quality headphones improve the audio quality

  2. how does impedance affect the listening experience and headphones having higher impedance. Does it reduce the noise and other unwanted stuff & how does preamp fit into this mix

  3. what are the key components of a headphone to function as a hardware device

Understanding of Music (Research more)

  1. Different types of sounds, bass, treble, etc….

  2. Amplitude, pitch and etc.

  3. Auto tuning

  4. Musical Instruments, Electronic Instruments

  5. Different Music Genres and their essence

Stuff to Learn

  • Sound and audio

  • Frequency, hertz and decibels (dB)

  • Sound pressure level and its importance

  • Types of microphones

  • Preamplifiers and audio processors

  • Systems and mixers

  • Power amplifiers and crossovers

  • Kinds of loudspeakers and their applications

  • Cables and connectors

  • Loudspeaker arrays, pros and cons

You will also identify the causes and solutions of common problems in sound systems:

  • Feedback
  • Noise
  • Distortion
  • Misuse of microphones

This will help you to avoid damage to the equipment (or people!) and to improve the audio quality.